Delivery Information

Small Parcel (UPS, FedEx or USPS)
97% of all "in-stock" orders ships from AirTrack Shop within a 1-3 day window after the order is received. These are NOT guaranteed delivery times. Please refer to your order page for specific expected shipping times. Please allow 3-5 additional days (depending on your location) for transit. Some exceptions apply.

NOTE: Due to the quick ship times needed to meet customer expectations, we may only be able to make changes to orders up to 1 hour after the order has been received during normal business hours. If you place an order at night, over the weekend or during a holiday and have a change to the order, please send details regarding the change to All requests received by the morning of the following business day will be handled accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.

PRESENTS AND GIFTS: Many customers order our products as a gift, especially during the holidays. Items are shipped in a labeled cardboard box or plastic wrapping material. Company name is printed on the box, but there are no pictures printed on the outside.

Depending on the size and nature of your order, there may be multiple boxes shipped at different times. For every shipment, you will receive an email shipping notification from either UPS or FedEx that will include tracking information as well as an estimated day of delivery. If you do not receive this email, you may log into your account and look for tracking information there as well. Additionally, UPS and FedEx offer personalized accounts to better track and manage your shipments. To sign up for your own personalized account, visit or for more information.

Deliveries are contingent upon availability, as well as strikes, accidents, fires or other causes beyond our control. Please give full and plain directions for forwarding goods. Street addresses (not PO Boxes) are necessary for all shipments.